Online Reputation Introduction
Exclusively for Expanded reach, Greater promotions, Increased traffic, Better sales and Boosting Brand image and popularity
Deenwebindia Technologies The rise of internet has given birth to a lot of good things along with a few bad things. One such bad aspect of internet is open and blatant criticism. Positive criticism can help you improve your business but if the criticism is more than feedback then you need to take some strong steps. Aspersions, slander comments, negative reviews, professional jealousy and reputation damaging campaign from your competitor or maligned comments from your ex, all these things can cause irreparable damage to your business.
Social media does give you a million more customers, but is it really that easy to make all of them happy? Definitely not. There will be someone complaining about this or that issue. It is not necessary that complain is always a genuine one and that the complainant will leave you at peace once his issue has been solved. In some cases the slanderous comments turn in to online abuse, leaving you and your business at the mercy of that one customer-turned-havoc.